Property Management Blog


Bob Preston - Wednesday, March 16, 2022
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投资会带来不同的结果和不同程度的承诺, 选择最好的选择可以帮助你增加收入,创造财务安全. But which investment option should you choose?  

在众多可供选择的投资中,有股票和房地产投资. As the most popular forms of investing, 人们经常反复考虑哪一个更适合他们的需要. To help with your choice, 北县房地产集团将给你6个理由,为什么你应该投资房地产而不是股票!

1. 房地产投资具有稳定现金流的高潜力 

When managed properly, 购买一套能产生收入的出租房产将确保你在未来的许多年里获得稳定的收入. 它们也不必局限于住宅物业. 除了出租房屋,其他产生现金的房地产投资包括 commercial buildings such as strip malls. 

然而,并非所有的房地产投资都能迅速获利. Buying land, for instance, 这意味着你每个月都要花钱,直到你把它卖给开发商或自己开发它. 

On the other hand, 股票投资的现金流潜力不如租房投资. 这是因为它们是长期投资,只有在出售后才能产生现金. While you may get dividends on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis, 这笔钱仍然无法与你通过出租房产获得的月收入相比. 

2. 十大赌博信誉网站房地产投资的任务可以外包 

Admittedly, managing a real estate investment is no easy task. Among other things, you’ll need to fill vacancies, collect rent, maintain the property, as well as pay taxes, utilities, and insurance. 

hire a property management company

Thankfully, 你可以把这些任务外包给专业人士,比如经验丰富的物业十大赌博信誉网站公司. Hiring a good property manager 最终会让你从投资中赚到比你自己十大赌博信誉网站更多的钱吗. 这是由于填补空缺的高成功率和执行最佳十大赌博信誉网站战略. 北县物业集团是圣地亚哥的顶级物业十大赌博信誉网站公司,可以在所有这些方面提供帮助! 

虽然你可以向共同基金经理支付费用来十大赌博信誉网站你的股票投资, 物业十大赌博信誉网站费通常相对较低. 它们很快就会被你从十大赌博信誉网站良好的出租物业中获得的利润所掩盖. 

3. Stocks Can Be Extremely Volatile 

投资房地产的好处之一是可以防止通货膨胀. 这意味着你将避免美元购买力的损失. 当你为你的投资选择了一个好的社区, 你的财产增值率将超过通货膨胀率. 

另一方面,股票价格并不总是像房地产投资那样稳定. 如果你的投资没有起飞,除了失去美元的购买力之外, extreme fluctuations are pretty commonplace in the short term. Your $50 stock can quickly go to $20 or to $100. 对十大赌博信誉网站来说,这可能是一个非常伤脑筋的过程, and it makes planning your finances much harder. 

4. Real Estate Values Usually Appreciate With Time 

As we’ve mentioned, 如果你投资房地产的时间足够长, odds are that it’ll appreciate in value. Sure, things happen and the value could dip. Think of the 2008 housing bubble, for instance. 然而,这种情况并不常见,通常只是价值的暂时下降. 

real estate appreciation

Generally speaking, land and buildings appreciate in value, 让投资物超所值. 此外,您还可以通过正确的改进使您的投资增值. 

5. 投资房地产可以使你有资格获得税收减免 

当涉及到纳税时,扣除额少之又少. However, 在大多数情况下,你可以扣除的是抵押贷款利息和财产税! 

When you own a rental property在美国,国税局允许你做一些扣除额. 你经营财产所产生的任何费用都可以在你的税款上冲销. You get to deduct property taxes, property management fees, mortgage interest, and costs of maintaining and repairing the property. 

Buying stocks, however, won’t reduce your tax bill. 只有当股票与退休账户捐款或慈善捐款有关时,它们才可以免税. 

6. You Can Defer Real Estate Capital Gains Tax 

通常情况下,出售股票需要缴纳资本利得税. With real estate, however, 如果你在出售后购买“同类”房产,你可能可以推迟缴纳资本利得税. 

为了递延纳税,将一项投资房产换成另一项投资房产的过程被称为 1031 Exchange. 符合1031 Exchange条件的房产包括:

  • Swapping raw land for an apartment complex

  • Swapping a ranch for oil and gas royalties

  • 将不动产交换为工业、商业或住宅租赁物业

1031 exchange

Stocks, bonds, trust certificates, inventory, 或交易股票是通常不符合1031交易所条件的资产. 

The Bottom Line

房地产投资和股票投资都有各自的风险和回报. However, if your goal is to maximize returns, reduce risks, and diversify your investment portfolio, investing in real estate is ideal. 

而房地产投资确实需要投入时间和精力, hiring professional help is always an option. North County Property Group 有必要的资源和经验来指导你做出明智的投资选择吗. 我们可以帮助您购买、出售或十大赌博信誉网站您的圣地亚哥投资物业. Get in touch today to learn more!

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