

Understanding a 1031 Exchange
Do you currently own an investment property and are considering upgrading to a different one? If so, a 1031 exchange is a great option for you. A 1031 exchange can help you defer capital gains tax as long as you’re buying a “like-kind” property. Some of the most successful real estate investors can attribute this ex...


Forecasting 2021/2022 圣地亚哥 Housing Market Trends
Southern California is experiencing a booming real estate market, and 圣地亚哥 is head of the pack! 圣地亚哥 home prices skyrocketed in the last year, with real estate being sold well above asking prices. Better yet, this momentum and fast property turnovers are expected to continue this fall. With all the time people have spent at...


Should You Rent or Sell Your 圣地亚哥 Home?
生活发生了, and a time may come when the home you currently own may no longer suit your needs and you’ve decided it is best to move to a new residence. 例如, you may need to get a place with more square footage as your family grows, or you may need to downsize as your children move out. Also, there is always that chanc...


What to Consider Before Buying Vacation Rental Property in 圣地亚哥
Are you thinking of buying a vacation rental property in 圣地亚哥, California? 圣地亚哥 vacation rentals come with a long list of considerations in order to make your investment a success. You have to factor in cost, amenities, location, and even your own capabilities. However, when it’s done right, vacation rental ownership ...


How Much Value Does 一个ADU Add?
When considering options for adding to your 圣地亚哥 property’s value, 一个ADU may spring to mind. But how much value can 一个ADU realistically add to your property in the 圣地亚哥 area? Answering this question can be complicated. To have a concrete value, you’ll need professional help to help you work out the numbers, in...


Best Areas to Invest in 圣地亚哥
Are you thinking about investing in 圣地亚哥 real estate?圣地亚哥 has a hot real estate market. 在选择焦点区域之前, it’s important to create a plan and choose your targeted group of renters. Your choice of an ideal 圣地亚哥 neighborhood will depend on your plan and budget. Opinions about the best neighborhoods in Sa...


Self-manage Your Rental Property or Hire a Property 十大赌博信誉网站 Company?
As a Real Estate investor and an owner of a rental property, there are two ways to go in managing the property and tenant relationship. You can manage the property yourself (self-manage), or you could consider hiring a property management company. If you are leaning toward self-managing, it is usually with the intent to save money. 但是...


Factors to Consider in a Real Estate Investment Analysis
Factors to Consider in a Real Estate Investment Analysis
Investing directly into real estate is done for a variety of purposes. Historically providing steady cashflow and modest price appreciation, a real estate investment is often used to create wealth accumulation or portfolio diversification purposes. But purchasing large assets like real estate can require extra planning and due diligence c...


Getting Your Property Rent Ready
Whether you're renting out part of your home, 一个ADU, 或者独立单位, as a landlord it should always your goal to have your rental units fully occupied with great tenants. You want to maximize your rental income while minimizing the time spent addressing petty concerns or minor issues.One of the first steps you need to take ...


Getting a Loan for Rental Property: The Requirements
Are you looking to invest in a rental property in 圣地亚哥 or the surrounding area? When applying for a mortgage for a rental property, there are some similarities to the process of applying for a loan for a primary residence. 但总的来说, there are stricter qualification requirements to obtain financing for a non-owner-occupied pro...

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