
Three Reasons You Should Consider Investing in a Rental Property

Bob Preston - Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Research suggests that demand for rental properties has begun to soar. Occupancy rates are higher than ever in 25 years, and average rent has reached record highs. If you're like most people today, you may be wondering if you should 购买出租物业. 与2004年相比, the national homeownership percentage has dropped by 9%, and several factors explain this drop. 

转移 走了 from owning to renting is borderline self-explanatory. The values of houses have sky-rocketed, and incomes haven't risen at the same pace. Homes are less affordable, but that's not all. Renting offers tenants a certain degree of flexibility. 结果是, people can delay important life decisions such as starting a family, 买房子, 或者婚姻. 

In a market like such, landlords are at an advantage. Given the current state of the real estate market, you should consider looking at the benefits. 这里有一些最突出的 perks of 投资出租物业.

1. 被动收入

Perhaps one of the most prominent benefits of owning a rental property is earning passive income. This means that you have a recurring source of income that takes relatively little to no effort to maintain. 结果是, this can be an attractive option for several people looking to make money on the side. 

It can also act as a retirement safety net for people since they don't have to actively work for this . To ensure that being a landlord is profitable for you in the long run, you must factor in all the expenses you have to incur. Once you have a rough idea of your cash flow, you'll have to assess the numbers at your disposal. Do you think you'll be able to make a consistent income after you've purchased the property? 


2. 安全

Some people have to move temporarily for work. In other cases, people inherit homes that they may not want to sell for sentimental reasons. There are several reasons people may have to deal with a vacant property. A vacant home is at higher risk of being broken into and vandalized. 此外, some maintenance problems may go unnoticed, and they can quickly escalate to become bigger problems, 太. 

总之, it's hard to keep an eye on a home that you're not living in, and that's where tenants can help out. By transitioning this property into a rental home, you are keeping a pulse on all maintenance issues and keeping it secure! 这种方式, you can have peace of mind knowing that a tenant is looking after the property on your behalf. 

3. 通胀对冲工具

Another prominent reason to invest in a rental property is that it acts as a hedge. That means it can protect you from inflation. When rents start to increase and the values of homes increase faster than the rate of inflation, a rental property can save you from portfolio devaluation. 下面是它的工作原理:

美国.S Bureau of Labor Statistics suggests that the annual change in the Consumer Price Index is 5.3%. Even when prices increase, rents and home prices increase even faster. 的研究 Zillow suggests that the value of a typical American home increased by 17.7% 最后一年(2021年).

Rents have increased at the same pace, 太. 

But What Should You Look for In a Rental Property?

如果我们能说服你, then there are certain factors you should be looking for when you're thinking of 投资出租物业. These features can help your property stand out from the rest. 这些功能包括:

1. 的位置

The location can often impact the quality of tenants. This directly impacts your revenue, 太. 还记得, a great tenant will be willing to pay more, or they may also overlook certain downsides if your property is in a good location. 

2. 运输

Renting a property close to major highways and public transportation is a major plus, 太. Most people won't stay at home all day, and they prefer taking easier routes to work. They can also easily access local entertainment options with ease, 太.

3. 停车

Off-street parking is a requirement in some areas. Even if it isn't, it's a feature that attracts quality tenants. This feature can be hard to find in urban settings, but you should still consider looking for a property that has a garage or a carport. 


As you may be able to deduce, owning a rental property can have several benefits. Every investment comes with risks, and real estate is no exception. You can mitigate these risks by hiring a 圣地亚哥物业经理 who ensures that your property operates on a profit and that the management bits are always hassle-free. 

图片来源: http://www.pexels.com/photo/orange-and-gray-painted-roof-under-cloudy-347152/


